Still A Blank Space

I have posted that I want to write with purpose. I want to write what's on my mind but I want to organize it into a coherent thought. I know what I want to write about, but honestly. I have no idea how to go about it, so now, I'm still coming up with a blank space. There's a lot of chaos inside my mind and I'm still struggling to make heads or tails of it. But I'm working on it and I'm sure I'll get to it in time. Wish me luck and I do hope that one day, I will post here and be happy with the results. That I was able to come up with a great article to suit the topic and that I am able to bring value to everyone who will get lost and find my little niche in the web. 

But for now, I will write and continue to write. I guess this is the only way the chaos would become an organized mess, if I let it out and off my mind and into written verse, so I can make sense of it and perhaps you too. HA! Wishful thinking perhaps on my part, but I am hopeful. I am optimistic, that this is something I can do. I just have to discipline myself into doing what needs to be done. Make something of the words jumbling around my head and inspire others to do the same. I mean reach deep into themselves and believe that even in their mess, something beautiful and inspiring can come out. See! Something profound. 
