GCQ - Ahoy!

It's June 1, 2020 

A date many people have been waiting for, well at least here in the Philippines and in  the metro mostly. Why? Well, its the start of the General Community Quarantine amidst the Pandemic of Covid 19. 
What does that mean... It means people need to go back to work, it means more leniency towards the restrictions. 

 It's Quarantine No More!!! 

No need for quarantine pass, 
No need for stringent curfew hours... 

Social distancing and face masks, remain a must but generally as we understood it, its freedom for most peeps. 

Well, freedom as I've often pointed out,  comes with responsibility. In this case, it means that you are responsible for your own health. wear masks, sanitize, social distance and all that stuff... lest risk getting the virus and infecting everyone you love. 

thing is... if you get sick, you need a lot of money for hospitalization and that's money not everyone has... Good luck to all of us. 

I do still believe in the goodness of our Lord and I pray this pandemic ends soon. I know it will end soon. 


  1. keep it positive in thought and action not in the virus LOL


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