Reflections on the Gospel (July 27, 2020)

Gospel: Matthew 13:31-35

"Change comes from within"

The gospel said that a mustard seed though is quite small if nurtured correctly can grow into a big tree. so is our faith.  Our faith will grow if we nurture it with God's word and with prayer and daily contemplation. Especially during this time of pandemic, everybody has something to fear - getting sick, going hungry, loss of job, loss of life, financial disasters and the likes. Everyone is feeling the reeling effects of the virus. Our faith is our only stronghold. Let us always believe that the God we believe in, is all powerful and He knows our fears, He knows our dilemma, we need to trust that He will catch us, He will deliver us from this pandemic and it will all happen in due time.  Let us "KEEP THE FAITH" and believe in our God who is always looking out for us. 

Don't get it all wrong though. 

Some people can be quite stooooopid (I intentionally spelled it wrong :P). I mean they don't want to protect themselves, refuse to wear face masks or sanitize. Pushing that God will protect them. Yes, God protects, but if you deliberately put yourself in harms way then I think that's a different story.  With the virus spreading around and the risk of contamination is high. I think we should all be vigilant enough to know that even though God is here and always with us, we still need to do something, we still need to up and protect ourselves and not just nonchalantly expose ourselves to getting sick with the irrational thought that God will save me from this disease... Let us all please be intelligent about it. 

So for now, I  bid you farewell and see you all again my next post... Keep Safe and God bless us all. 
