Everyone has a past. They can either love it or hate it, but regardless of how it was, it always has a way of shaping how we live our life today. We can blame it for all the wrong that is happening is our lives or we can celebrate it for all the right that is happening. No matter how you look at it, as I’ve said, it has a way of shaping the way we see our lives today and how we view success in our life.
I believe in what people say that God has a plan and that God allows challenges in our lives so that we may grow and draw closer to Him. We may not always appreciate this idea, we may cling to our sorrow and either blame God for what is happening or blame ourselves for the misery we find ourselves in. It is so easy to be caught up in wallowing. I’m not saying that your grief is not real nor is it not valid. It is. Allow yourself the grief, the misery, BUT ONLY FOR A WHILE. As I’ve said it’s easy to get caught up in wallowing. In staying where you are, but if we are to succeed in life, we have to learn to stand up, dust ourselves off and try again. Failure is actually an option. We are human, we are allowed to fail, but we are not allowed to give up! Okay?

Sometimes we feel like we are the only ones who are suffering, sometimes we feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. Yes, sometimes, you can feel that. But whenever I feel like that, or I feel like giving up. I look upon Jesus. How He had suffered for me, for us. How he had endured, he could have given up. He could have “saved himself” but he didn’t. He chose to suffer for us. How much has He endured to fulfill his mission. How could I complain? When I haven’t even borne a quarter of what He has borne! When I think about that, when I realize that my perception changed. When I realized that the reason he suffered was because of me, for me. I can’t give up. I focus my thoughts on Jesus and how He had lived and died and rose again to his victory. I know that I too, am destined for victory. Even though I might have suffered, even though I might have felt pain. I know that I have victory, That if I believe and persevere, my prize awaits me.
Forgiveness is an ugly word. Some people have a very hard time with forgiveness. They hold on to the anger, to the hate and find themselves miserable. They don’t want to forgive. They say, how can I forgive, what this person has done is despicable, it's unforgivable! But in the end, they are hurting themselves and finding misery in holding on to their despise. Forgiveness once freely given, even to those who don’t ask for it, is quite liberating. Forgive not for the benefit of others but for your benefit, so you can finally let go and move on. Forgive those who hurt you. Forget all the pain it has caused you. Most importantly, forgive yourself, for failing, for not being able to reach whatever goal you have set up for yourself, for making a mistake. Learn to forgive yourself. If you’re finding it difficult to forgive and forget. Pray, allow the Holy Spirit to come to you and soften your heart, change it. True change will occur if you are truly willing to let go. It may take time, but once you’re ready, you will find yourself happy and free to live the life you so richly deserve.
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