Continue Being Grateful

Gratitude is not an easy attitude to adapt.

Sometimes our pride gets in the way of being thankful, thinking that everything we have, we owe to no one, well perhaps because we do work hard to attain them.

But if there's one thing I learned is that, nothing we ever have is owed only to us. Keep in mind that there is a higher being that allows us the life we breath each day we keep our eyes open, and beginning with that, we should begin to be thankful and realize that we owe everything to a higher being other than ourselves.

Regardless of what your beliefs might be, we all acknowledge that there is an eternal God that sustains the life we have, so in that sense, we should realize that everything we do, we owe to that one eternal God.  And thus each day we should learn to thank Him for everything we are enjoying.

Be thankful that...

you have food on the table and you eat 3 or even more times a day, others doesn't eat at all...

you have a roof over your head, others live in tents while others yet sleep on the cold pavement...

you are healthy and are able to work and do all that needs to be done each day...

you have people who love you, others have been forgotten by their family

you are in front of the computer, learning and discovering.. being able to enjoy technology while others don't even have electricity....

Learn to be grateful each day and you will soon learn there are more to be grateful for, for a grateful heart is a blessed heart and a blessed heart is open to all other blessings to flow in...
